Dialogical Space

experimental video / mixed media

Seven slides from a yard sale

experimental video / mixed media / found footage


experimental video


experimental video / found footage / mixed media

you won’t get anything out of me

experimental video / found footage / mixed media

Aesthetic Stamp

digital collage / photo / print

Seven slides from a yard sale (details)

selected video stills

Mental Note: It’s Not You

drawing / digital collage / small printed series

Through the Signs

digital collage / large printed series

Recall series

diptych print works / digital collage / paint / videodisks

Stereoscopic series

digital collage / 3d / print

Videodisk series

mixed media / paint / videodisks


painting series


painting series


painting series


experimental video / remix / social media

* in relation to Selfpost | Postself


experimental video / remix / social media

* in relation to Selfpost | Postself

QR_U (an open school)
collaborative / interactive / relational /

exhibition project

participatory / online / installation


Click images for artwork + descriptions

View by date or medium

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2D - painting

2D - digital / photo / drawing

2D - painting / media

Some things come to those who wait
experimental video / social media

Selfpost | Postself

online / blog / social media / reflexive / social practice / collaborative / photo / video / text

online / net

Participating with Beuys
participatory art education / collaborative research /

experimental video / social media

installation shots of video works

From the Studio, Illges Gallery, Columbus GA
exhibition installation shots