Seven slides from a yard sale, 2004 (7 min.)
Seven slides from a yard sale is a reflection of the visually intimate, yet abstract experience we have with
media sources. The subject matter of the slides is uncertain, yet the handwritten note found alongside
suggests a missionary’s trip to Mongolia. The resulting video of the projected slides could be described as
a painterly reenactment of the way one physically sees the imagery, glancing back and forth from one object
to another, giving movement and life to the subjects within the piece. The viewer is expected to question the
nature of the media forms in front of them, as it appears to be a hybrid of still and moving technologies from
the past and present.

This piece has been shown both in a continuous loop on a monitor and in collaboration with musical
accompaniment. To the right is a photograph of a performance by Roger Dean Young & the Tin Cup - an
improvised response to the video - at the Western Front in Vancouver.