
My practice consists of both individual projects and collaborations with artists, educators, and students. Recent projects include an interactive exhibition project, reflexive manipulation of online media, and experimental videos that layer and remix found footage. My current work Selfpost | Postself is an ongoing project that examines the philosophy and practices of the self as it interacts with the virtual realm of Facebook. I have been exploring  similar concepts in writings and research presentations, which have undoubtedly informed my studio practice.

My teaching experience consists of interdisciplinary practices in university and college courses that have included painting, mixed media, colour theory, composition and communication, drawing, experimental video, digital media, art history and visual culture, and art education. I am currently Assistant Professor of Art at Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia. I have taught at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Langara College, Simon Fraser University, and the University of British Columbia. I have been published in the International Journal of Education through Art, Art Education, Canadian Art, Media-N, and the Journal of the International Digital Media Art Association.




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  1. - March-April 2016, From the Studio, faculty exhibition, Illges Gallery, Columbus State University

  2. - November 2014, Some things come to those who wait, video exhibited at Not Sent Letters Project

  3. -Selfpost | Postself (ongoing online artwork), “like” for updates

Feed, experimental video


  1. -September 2015, Summer School: Museum, Storytelling & Digital Media, at Museum Schloss Moyland in Bedburg-Hau, Germany. For an overview of the participatory art and education research I engaged with, click here


  1. -Since September 2010, exploring relationality, pedagogy, and art practice in participatory research within teacher education at the University of British Columbia; “Becoming Pedagogical” - with Dr. Rita Irwin



  1. -Boulton-Funke, A., Irwin, R.L., LeBlanc, N. & May, H. (2016). Intercultural Exchange: Interventions and Intraventions of Practice Based Research. International Handbook of Intercultural Arts Research (Editors: Pamela Burnard (UK), Elizabeth Mackinlay (Australia), and Kimberly Powell (USA). UK: Routledge.


  1. -May, H., O’ Donoghue, D. & Irwin, R. L. (2014). Performing an Intervention in the Space Between Art and Education. International Journal of Education through Art, 10(2), 163-177,



  1. -Spring 2016, Drawing; Digital Concepts; Columbus State University


SPEAKING (see Research > Speaking page)

  1. -April 11/2016, Pedagogies of Ontology: Interventions and Intraventions of Practice Based Research, American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, Washington, D.C. Co-presenters: Natalie LeBlanc, Adrienne Boulton-Funke, Rita L. Irwin.


- April 8/2016, “Material/ Immaterial, Idea and Process,” Hannah Israel, Yuichiro Komatsu, Heidi May, and Mike McFalls, Illges Gallery.


  1. -March 2015, Creating Dialogical Space for Emergent Knowledge. Panel: “Group Critiques in Foundation Studies Drawing Courses”, Foundations in Art: Theory & Education (FATE) conference, Indianapolis, IN.



  1. -October 2014 - PhD Dissertation Award of the Canadian Society of Education for Art / Société canadienne d’éducation par l’art, at the CSEA 2014 conference in Halifax.


Heidi May, Ph.D., is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher. Her practice explores notions of network, self and learning; relational, digital and social art practices; and media culture. Her work manifests in interview research, experimental video, digital productions, and social practice. Recent projects have examined the relational processes of socially networked spaces and digital technologies, and how we make meaning in the midst of these processes. Writings produced from this research have focused on the dialogical, collaborative and performative aspects within the network of art, teaching, and learning. Video and digital work includes reflexive manipulation of found footage/photos and online experiences. Her artwork has been exhibited in various venues and her writings have been published in international peer-reviewed journals.

  Visual Artist, Educator, and Researcher:
